Thursday, November 20, 2008

Book Worm

"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you"
--Mortimer Adler

My daughter is sure loving The Foot Book.


Anonymous said...

are you currently reading anything right now? since i am at home with bella for now i am trying to get through my long book list but find i am just adding more! me and my mom swap books (even with her in texas). it's definitely one of my more favorite things to do, read that is. do you have any favorites?

Rosebud Organics said...

I've been all over the place as far as books go! :) I'm still going through Jane Austin's complete works, and just finished Flatland, a random but interesting mathematical book on dimensions. I also just finished By What Authority, which is on apologetics and am going through Corinthians and Jeremiah, as well. :)
As far as favorites go, anything by Jane Austin, C.S. Lewis, and good historical novels. Y tu?

Anonymous said...

i love anita shrieve... not really challenging books but she writes a good story without the trash. after watching pride and prejudice over and over (one of my favorite movies) i decided to read the book, so i just started that one. i am also a fan of john steinbeck but not as much as kyle (i think he has read near all of his works, and that's a lot). i also get a lot of jodi picoult because my mom loves her. i keep trying to find things that would be appropriate for bella to hear me read to her since it's so good to read to them and have them hear your voice, but right now i have to omit a lot of the book i am reading... not that she understands, but i feel weird reading that to myself let alone her, you know?

what is your favorite jane austin?